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Hidden Harms 1


The word "hazing" brings to mind violent/physical hazing, but intimidation and harassment are also forms of hazing that can lead to emotional scars (hidden harms).


Joining an organization causes stress for many people who wonder if they will be accepted for who they are. When we meet new people, most of us hide our anxieties and don't talk about our struggles. There are likely things even your closest friends don't know about you!


Recent college student mental health data indicates many students are struggling: 41% report symptoms of depression; 34% report symptoms of anxiety disorder; 12% report symptoms of an eating disorder. (Source: The Healthy Minds Study, 2021 Winter/Spring Data Report)


All forms of hazing are designed to be stressful and produce anxiety from the unknowns of what will happen. A single hazing experience can trigger a mental health crisis, regardless of whether someone has an underlying mental disorder.


Planning new member programs for your group? Work to create programs that bring people together instead of driving them apart. Healthy challenges help people earn their place with dignity, not shame. You don't know what might break someone.


Need to talk with someone now? Call, text, or chat 988 to be connected to trained counselors with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They will listen, understand how problems are affecting you, provide support, and connect you to resources if necessary. Learn more at:
Faculty & Staff