See or suspect hazing? Report it!

Hazing is a crime in most states.

Reporting hazing whenever you see it or suspect it is critical to ending hazing. Providing detailed information (school, name of organization, specific behaviors, etc.), will make it more likely school administrators or law enforcement will be able to investigate and intervene to prevent the hazing from getting worse.

How to Report Hazing:

  • Save a Life, Make the Call: If someone is injured or the risk of harm is high, call 911 immediately.
    • Contact local law enforcement (911) if there is a risk of immediate harm or if a crime has been committed (assault, battery, kidnapping, etc.).
  • If it's not an emergency: Report non-emergency hazing through campus reporting systems, which will investigate the hazing and may be able to prevent it from escalating.
    • Contact the Principal, Dean of Students, Director of Student Affairs, Student Health or Campus Security.

National Anti-Hazing Hotline: (888) 668-4293 OR (888) NOT-HAZE

Founded in 2007, the Anti-Hazing Hotline accepts anonymous (non-emergency) hazing reports from anyone. The Hotline connects to a dedicated voice mailbox at the law firm Manley Burke, LPA, where you can leave an anonymous message. The law firm will forward your voicemail to the national organization headquarters. If the organization does not have a national headquarters, you should strongly consider reporting through your campus because the Hotline law firm may or may not forward your voicemail to your campus. Hazing by ANY type of organization may be reported through the Hotline — not just by fraternities and sororities. If you don't feel comfortable calling in your report to the Anti-Hazing Hotline, you can fill out an anonymous online form on the Anti-Hazing Hotline website.